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VWHO is a "C" level league with 5 teams with players who have played either at a higher level in the past (Youth, HS, College) or became a higher level player as an adult. 



VWHO plays ALL games at Cairns Arena in South Burlington, on Fridays and Saturdays evenings from September to April, usually between 6 and 9PM 



WHY is VWHO  We are a more skilled league with competitive play encouraged, but the main goal is always to have fun and keep ALL players safe as possible. 



VWHO teams have 3-minute warm up that begins when the official ice time begins, or when the Zamboni doors are closed, whichever is later. Games will consist of three periods. If there is a timekeeper, the first two periods will be 15-minute stop time. The third period will be run time, and its length will equal the amount of time remaining in the 75-minute ice session minus two minutes. The last two minutes of the third period will be stop time. If there is no timekeeper, all periods will be 22-minute run time. If a referee is willing to work the clock at the end of the game, the final two minutes can be stop time. 



All games must fit within the allotted ice time, so the third period may need to be shortened based on remaining time. There will be a one-minute break between each period. Each team is permitted one 60-second time-out per game. Penalties shall be 2 minutes for a minor infraction.

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